No benefits are payable for:

  1. any day on which you are not under the care of a legally qualified physician or surgeon; no period of care shall be considered to have started until you have been seen and treated personally by a physician or surgeon;
  2. any day you are performing work of any kind, anywhere, for compensation or profit;
  3. any period of disability resulting from aesthetic or cosmetic treatments;
  4. during any leave of absence (including Maternity/Paternity Leave);
  5. the period of illness or injury for which benefits ought to be payable from Employment Insurance Sickness Benefit;
    any day you are receiving Disability Benefits, Early Retirement, or Retirement benefits under any Employer or Union sponsored pension plan;
  6. any day you are entitled to receive reimbursement under any Workplace Safety and Insurance law or similar legislation;
  7. any injury caused or contributed to by a Motor Vehicle Accident which occurs in Ontario or Quebec;
  8. any portion of a period of disability resulting from substance abuse, including alcoholism and drug addiction, unless you are participating in a recognized substance withdrawal program;
  9. any disability resulting from intentionally self-inflicted injuries, whether you are sane or insane;
  10. any disability resulting from voluntary participation in war, riot, rebellion or insurrection;
  11. the portion of a period of disability during which you are imprisoned in a penal institution or confined in a hospital or similar institution as a result of criminal proceedings;
  12. disability which commences on or after the date a strike begins, subject to any provincial Employment or Labour Standards Act.  However, you can fulfill your Qualifying Disability Period during a strike.

 The Trust Fund does not reimburse any physician charges associated with the completion of claim forms.